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How to Help

Cost of Home

Which would you choose...?

Today, nearly 19 million households in the U.S. are paying half or more of their income on housing. That means 1 in 6 families are denied the personal and economic stability that safe, decent and affordable housing provides. Instead, 1 in 6 families are forced to make impossible choices.

That’s why Habitat for Humanity has launched the Cost of Home campaign. Over the next five the Habitat network commits to mobilizing individuals across the country to find the solutions and help create the policies at the local, state and federal levels that will improve home affordability for 10 million people. And we know we can’t do this alone.  

Join us as a Cost of Home Advocate, and participate in a training program that will make the connection between racial justice and housing and give you tangible next steps for how you can advocate at the local, state, and national levels! Visit our group on facebook for more information!

Click to read Habitat for Humanity International's August 2020 policy paper, "The role of housing policy in causing our nation's racial disparities --- and the role it must play in solving them"

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Your voice has influence. By sharing your support of the need for home affordability to policymakers at all levels of government, you are helping us make the #CostOfHome something we all can afford. 





Become an Advocate for Affordable Housing
Join the #CostOfHome mailing list to learn more about how YOU can make a difference.



The Housing Continuum

A healthy housing ecosystem includes housing choices at each rung of the ladder that meet the needs of the community. As we look to creating and supporting innovative housing solutions in Charlottesville, let's explore the places along the ladder where we identify gaps in housing choices.

#CostOfHome in the News

Dan Rosensweig discusses the Cost of Home Campaign, Southwood mobile home park redevelopment, and affordable housing issues

Local Habitat joins national campaign focusing on affordable housing

Habitat Holds Kick-Off Event for Affordable Housing Campaign


Click here to visit the Habitat for Humanity International #CostOfHome page.

Stay tuned for more #CostOfHome updates! 

Join the #CostOfHome group on Facebook


  • 967 2nd Street SE
    Charlottesville, VA

    Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

  • 1221 Harris Street
    Charlottesville, VA

    Tues - Sat 10:00 am - 5:00 pm